You are now in the main GGIR vignette. See also the complementary vignettes on: Cut-points, Day segment analyses, GGIR parameters, Embedding external functions (pdf), and Reading ad-hoc csv file formats.

1 Introduction

1.1 What is GGIR?

GGIR is an R-package to process multi-day raw accelerometer data for physical activity and sleep research. The term raw refers to data being expressed in m/s2 or gravitational acceleration as opposed to the previous generation accelerometers which stored data in accelerometer brand specific units. The signal processing includes automatic calibration, detection of sustained abnormally high values, detection of non-wear and calculation of average magnitude of dynamic acceleration based on a variety of metrics. Next, GGIR uses this information to describe the data per recording, per day of measurement, and (optionally) per segment of a day of measurement, including estimates of physical activity, inactivity and sleep. We published an overview paper of GGIR in 2019 link.

This vignette provides a general introduction on how to use GGIR and interpret the output, additionally you can find a introduction video and a mini-tutorial on YouTube. If you want to use your own algorithms for raw data then GGIR facilitates this with it’s external function embedding feature, documented in a separate vignette: Embedding external functions in GGIR. GGIR is increasingly being used by research groups across the world. A non-exhaustive overview of academic publications related to GGIR can be found here. R package GGIR would not have been possible without the support of the contributors listed in the author list at GGIR, with specific code contributions over time since April 2016 (when GGIR development moved to GitHub) shown here.

Cite GGIR:

When you use GGIR in publications do not forget to cite it properly as that makes your research more reproducible and it gives credit to it’s developers. See paragraph on Citing GGIR for details.

1.2 Contributing, Support, and Keeping up to date

How to contribute to the code?

The development version of GGIR can be found on github, which is also where you will find guidance on how to contribute.

How can I get service and support?

GGIR is open source software and does not come with service or support guarantees. However, as user-community you can help each other via the GGIR google group or the GitHub issue tracker. Please use these public platform rather than private e-mails such that other users can learn from the conversations.

If you need dedicated support with the use of GGIR or need someone to adapt GGIR to your needs then Vincent van Hees is available as independent consultant.

Training in R essentials and GGIR We offer frequent online GGIR training courses. Check our dedicated training website with more details and the option to book your training. Do you have questions about the training or the booking process? Do not hesitate to contact us via: .

Also of interest may be the brief free R introduction tutorial.

Change log

Our log of main changes to GGIR over time can be found here.

2 Setting up your work environment

2.1 Install R and RStudio

Download and install R

Download and install RStudio

Install GGIR with its dependencies from CRAN. You can do this with one command from the console command line:

install.packages("GGIR", dependencies = TRUE)

Alternatively, to install the latest development version with the latest bug fixes use instead:


Additionally, in some use-cases you will need to install one or multiple additional packages:

  • If you are working with Axivity, GENEActiv, or GENEA files, install the GGIRread package with install.packages("GGIRread")
  • If you are working with ActiGraph gt3x files, install the read.gt3x package with install.packages("read.gt3x")
  • If you want to derive Neishabouricounts (with do.neishabouricounts = TRUE), install the actilifecounts package with install.packages("actilifecounts")
  • If you want to derive circadian rhythm indicators using the Cosinor analysis and Extended Cosinor analysis (with cosinor = TRUE), install the ActCR package with install.packages("ActCR")

2.2 Prepare folder structure

  1. GGIR works with the following accelerometer brands and formats:
    • GENEActiv .bin
    • Axivity AX3 and AX6 .cwa
    • ActiGraph .csv and .gt3x (.gt3x only the newer format generated with firmware versions above 2.5.0. Serial numbers that start with “NEO” or “MRA” and have firmware version of 2.5.0 or earlier use an older format of the .gt3x file). Note for Actigraph users: If you want to work with .csv exports via the commercial ActiLife software then note that you have the option to export data with timestamps. Please do not do this as this causes memory issues for GGIR. To cope with the absence of timestamps GGIR will calculate timestamps from the sample frequency, the start time and start date as presented in the file header.
    • Movisens .bin files with data stored in folders. GGIR expects that each participant’s folder contains at least a file named acc.bin.
    • Any other accelerometer brand that generates csv output, see documentation for functions read.myacc.csv and argument rmc.noise in the GGIR function documentation (pdf). Note that functionality for the following file formats was part of GGIR but has been deprecated as it required a significant maintenance effort without a clear use case or community support: (1) .bin for the Genea monitor by Unilever Discover, an accelerometer that was used for some studies between 2007 and 2012) .bin, and (2) .wav files as can be exported by the Axivity Ltd OMGUI software. Please contact us if you think these data formats should be facilitated by GGIR again and if you are interested in supporting their ongoing maintenance.
  2. All accelerometer data that needs to be analysed should be stored in one folder, or subfolders of that folder.
  3. Give the folder an appropriate name, preferable with a reference to the study or project it is related to rather than just ‘data’, because the name of this folder will be used later on as an identifier of the dataset.

2.3 GGIR shell function

GGIR comes with a large number of functions and optional settings (arguments) per functions.

To ease interacting with GGIR there is one central function, named GGIR, to talk to all the other functions. In the past this function was called, but we decided to shorten it to GGIR for convenience. You can still use because has become a wrapper function around GGIR passing on all arguments to GGIR and by that providing identical functionality.

In this paragraph we will guide you through the main arguments to GGIR relevant for 99% of research. First of all, it is important to understand that the GGIR package is structured in two ways.

Firstly, it has a computational structure of five parts which are applied sequentially to the data, and that GGIR controls each of these parts:

  • Part 1: Loads the data and stores derived features (aggregations) needed for the other parts. This is the time-consuming part. Once this is done, parts 2-5 can be run (or re-run with different parameters in parts 2-5) relatively quickly.
  • Part 2: Data quality analyses and low-level description of signal features per day and per file. At this point a day is defined from midnight to midnight
  • Part 3: Estimation of sustained inactivity and sleep periods, needed for input to Part 4 for sleep detection
  • Part 4: Labels the sustained inactive periods detected in Part 3 as sleep, or daytime sustained inactivity, per night and per file
  • Part 5: Derives sleep and physical activity characteristics by re-using information derived in part 2, 3 and 4. Total time in intensity categories, the number of bouts, time spent in bouts and average acceleration (overall activity) is calculated.

The reason why it split up in parts is that it avoids having the re-do all analysis if you only want to make a small change in the more downstream parts. The specific order and content of the parts has grown for historical and computational reasons.

Secondly, the function arguments which we will refer to as input parameters are structured thematically independently of the five parts they are used in:

  • params_rawdata: parameters related to handling the raw data such as resampling or calibrating
  • params_metrics: parameters related to aggregating the raw data to epoch level summary metrics
  • params_sleep: parameters related to sleep detection
  • params_physact: parameters related to physical activity
  • params_247: parameters related to 24/7 behaviours that do not fall into the typical sleep or physical activity research category.
  • params_output: parameters relating to how and whether output is stored.
  • params_general: general parameters not covered by any of the above categories

This structure was introduced in GGIR version 2.5-6 to make the GGIR code and documentation easier to navigate.

To see the parameters in each parameter category and their default values do:


If you are only interested in one specific category like sleep:


If you are only interested in parameter “HASIB.algo” from the sleep_params object:


Documentation for all arguments in the parameter objects can be found the vignette: GGIR configuration parameters.

All of these arguments are accepted as argument to function GGIR, because GGIR is a shell around all GGIR functionality. However, the params_ objects themselves can not be provided as input to GGIR.

2.3.1 Key general arguments

You will probably never need to think about most of the arguments listed above, because a lot of arguments are only included to facilitate methodological studies where researchers want to have control over every little detail. See previous paragraph for links to the documentation and how to find the default value of each parameter.

The bare minimum input needed for GGIR is:


Argument datadir allows you to specify where you have stored your accelerometer data and outputdir allows you to specify where you would like the output of the analyses to be stored. This cannot be equal to datadir. If you copy paste the above code to a new R script (file ending with .R) and Source it in R(Studio) then the dataset will be processed and the output will be stored in the specified output directory.

Below we have highlighted the key arguments you may want to be aware of. We are not giving a detailed explanation, please see the package manual for that.

  • mode - which part of GGIR to run, GGIR is constructed in five parts with a sixth part under development.
  • overwrite - whether to overwrite previously produced milestone output. Between each GGIR part, GGIR stores milestone output to ease re-running parts of the pipeline.
  • idloc - tells GGIR where to find the participant ID (default: inside file header)
  • data_masking_strategy - informs GGIR how to consider the design of the experiment.
    • If data_masking_strategy is set to value 1, then check out arguments hrs.del.start and hrs.del.end.
    • If data_masking_strategy is set to value 3 or 5, then check out arguments ndayswindow, hrs.del.start and hrs.del.end.
  • maxdur - maximum number of days you expect in a data file based on the study protocol.
  • desiredtz - time zone of the experiment.
  • chunksize - a way to tell GGIR to use less memory, which can be useful on machines with limited memory.
  • includedaycrit - tell GGIR how many hours of valid data per day (midnight-midnight) is acceptable.
  • includenightcrit - tell GGIR how many hours of a valid night (noon-noon) is acceptable.
  • qwindow - argument to tell GGIR whether and how to segment the day for day-segment specific analysis.
  • mvpathreshold and boutcriter - acceleration threshold and bout criteria used for calculating time spent in MVPA (only used in GGIR part2).
  • epochvalues2csv - to export epoch level magnitude of acceleration to a csv files (in addition to already being stored as RData file)
  • dayborder - to decide whether the edge of a day should be other than midnight.
  • iglevels - argument related to intensity gradient method proposed by A. Rowlands.
  • - specify reports that need to be generated.
  • viewingwindow and visualreport - to create a visual report, this only works when all five parts of GGIR have successfully run. Note that the visual report was initially developed to provide something to show to study participants and not for data quality checking purposes. Over time we have improved the visual report to also be useful for QC-ing the data. however, some of the scorings as shown in the visual report are created for the visual report only and may not reflect the scorings in the main GGIR analyses as reported in the quantitative csv-reports. Most of our effort in the past 10 years has gone into making sure that the csv-report are correct, while the visualreport has mostly been a side project. This is unfortunate and we hope to find funding in the future to design a new report specifically for the purpose of QC-ing the anlayses done by GGIR.
  • maxRecordingInterval - if specified controls whether neighboring or overlapping recordings with the same participant ID and brand are appended at epoch level. This can be useful when the intention is to monitor behaviour over larger periods of time but accelerometers only allow for a few weeks of data collection. GGIR will never append or alter the raw input file, this operation is preformed on the derived data.
  • study_dates_file - if specified trims the recorded data to the first and last date in which the study took place. This is relevant for studies that started the recording several days before the accelerometers were actually worn by participants. This is used on the top of data_masking_strategy, so that it may be combined with the strategies in GGIR.

2.3.4 Published cut-points and how to use them

This section has been rewritten and moved. Please, visit the vignette Published cut-points and how to use them in GGIR for more details on the cut-points available, how to use them, and some additional reflections on the use of cut-points in GGIR.

2.3.5 Example call

If you consider all the arguments above you me may end up with a call to GGIR that could look as follows.

      # Part 2
      data_masking_strategy = 1,
      hrs.del.start = 0,          hrs.del.end = 0,
      maxdur = 9,                 includedaycrit = 16,
      mvpathreshold =c(100),
      excludefirstlast = FALSE,
      includenightcrit = 16,
      # Part 3 + 4
      def.noc.sleep = 1,
      outliers.only = TRUE,
      criterror = 4,
      do.visual = TRUE,
      # Part 5
      threshold.lig = c(30), threshold.mod = c(100), = c(400),
      boutcriter = 0.8, = 0.9,     boutcriter.lig = 0.8,
      boutcriter.mvpa = 0.8, = c(1,10,30), boutdur.lig = c(1,10),
      boutdur.mvpa = c(1),
      includedaycrit.part5 = 2/3,
      # Visual report
      timewindow = c("WW"),

Once you have used GGIR and the output directory (outputdir) will be filled with milestone data and results.

2.3.6 Configuration file

Function GGIR stores all the explicitly entered argument values and default values for the argument that are not explicitly provided in a csv-file named config.csv stored in the root of the output folder. The config.csv file is accepted as input to GGIR with argument configfile to replace the specification of all the arguments, except datadir and outputdir, see example below.

             outputdir="D:/myresults", configfile = "D:/myconfigfiles/config.csv")

The practical value of this is that it eases the replication of analysis, because instead of having to share you R script, sharing your config.csv file will be sufficient. Further, the config.csv file contribute to the reproducibility of your data analysis.

Note 1: When combining a configuration file with explicitly provided argument values, the explicitly provided argument values will overrule the argument values in the configuration file. Note 2: The config.csv file in the root of the output folder will be overwritten every time you use GGIR. So, if you would like to add annotations in the file, e.g. in the fourth column, then you will need to store it somewhere outside the output folder and explicitly point to it with configfile argument.

3 Time for action: How to run your analysis?

3.1 From the R console on your own desktop/laptop

Create an R-script and put the GGIR call in it. Next, you can source the R-script with the source function in R:


or use the Source button in RStudio if you use RStudio.

3.2 In a cluster

GGIR by default support multi-thread processing, which can be turned off by seting argument do.parallel = FALSE. If this is still not fast enough then we advise using a GGIR on a computing cluster. The way we did it on a Sun Grid Engine cluster is shown below, please note that some of these commands are specific to the computing cluster you are working on. Also, you may actually want to use an R package like clustermq or snowfall, which avoids having to write bash script. Please consult your local cluster specialist to tailor this to your situation. In our case, we had three files for the SGE setting:

for i in {1..707}; do
    s=$(($(($n * $[$i-1]))+1))
    e=$(($i * $n))
    qsub /home/nvhv/WORKING_DATA/bashscripts/ $s $e

#! /bin/bash
#$ -cwd -V
#$ -l h_vmem=12G
/usr/bin/R --vanilla --args f0=$1 f1=$2 < /home/nvhv/WORKING_DATA/test/myshellscript.R


args = commandArgs(TRUE)
if(length(args) > 0) {
  for (i in 1:length(args)) {
    eval(parse(text = args[[i]]))

You will need to update the ... in the last line with the arguments you used for GGIR. Note that f0=f0,f1=f1 is essential for this to work. The values of f0 and f1 are passed on from the bash script.

Once this is all setup you will need to call bash from the command line.

With the help of computing clusters GGIR has successfully been run on some of the worlds largest accelerometer data sets such as UK Biobank and German NAKO study.

3.3 Processing time

The time to process a typical seven day recording should be anywhere in between 3 and 10 minutes depending on the sample frequency of the recording, the sensor brand, data format, the exact configuration of GGIR, and the specifications of your computer. If you are observing processing times of 20 minutes or longer for a 7 day recording then probably you are slowed down by other factors.

Some tips on how you may be able to address this:

  • Make sure the data you process is on the same machine as where GGIR is run. Processing data located somewhere else on a computer network can substantially slow software down.
  • Make sure your machine has 8GB or more RAM memory, using GGIR on old machines with only 4GB is known to be slow. However, total memory is not the only bottle neck, also consider the number of processes (threads) your CPU can run relative to the amount of memory. Ending up with 2GB per process seems a good target.
  • Avoid doing other computational activities with your machine while running GGIR. For example, if you use DropBox or OneDrive make sure they do not sync while you are running GGIR. When using GGIR to process large datasets it is probably best to not use the machine, but make sure the machine is configured not to fall asleep as that would terminate the analyses.

4 Inspecting the results

GGIR generates the following types of output. - csv-spreadsheets with all the variables you need for physical activity, sleep and circadian rhythm research - Pdfs with on each page a low resolution plot of the data per file and quality indicators - R objects with milestone data - Pdfs with a visual summary of the physical activity and sleep patterns as identified (see example below)

4.1 Output part 2

Part 2 generates the following output:

  • part2_summary.csv: Person level summary (see below)
  • part2_daysummary.csv: Day level summary (see below)
  • QC/data_quality_report.csv: Overview of calibration results and whether or not a file was corrupt or too short to be processed,
  • QC/plots to check data quality 1.pdf: A pdf with visualisation of the acceleration time series in 15 minute resolution and with invalid data segments highlighted in colours (yellow: non-wear based on standard deviation threshold, brown: non-wear after extra filtering step (introduced in 2013), and purple: clipping)

4.1.1 Person level summary

(Part of) variable name Description
ID Participant id
device_sn Device serial number
bodylocation Body location extracted from file header
filename Name of the data file
start_time Timestamp when recording started
startday Day of the week on which recording started
samplefreq Sample frequency (Hz)
device Accelerometer brand, e.g. GENEACtiv
clipping_score The Clipping score: Fraction of 15 minute windows per file for which the acceleration in one of the three axis was close to the maximum for at least 80% of the time. This should be 0.
meas_dur_dys Measurement duration (days)
complete_24hcycle Completeness score: Fraction of 15 minute windows per 24 hours for which no valid data is available at any day of the measurement.
meas_dur_def_proto_day measurement duration according to protocol (days): Measurement duration (days) minus the hours that are ignored at the beginning and end of the measurement motivated by protocol design
wear_dur_def_proto_day wear duration duration according to protocol (days): So, if the protocol was seven days of measurement, then wearing the accelerometer for 8 days and recording data for 8 days will still make that the wear duration is 7 days
calib_err Calibration error (static estimate) Estimated based on all ‘non-movement’ periods in the measurement after applying the autocalibration.
calib_status Calibration status: Summary statement about the status of the calibration error minimisation
ENMO_fullRecordingMean ENMO is the main summary measure of acceleration. The value presented is the average ENMO over all the available data normalised per 24-hour cycles (diurnal balanced), with invalid data imputed by the average at similar time points on different days of the week. In addition to ENMO it is possible to extract other acceleration metrics (i.e. BFEN, HFEN, HFENplus). We emphasize that it is calculated over the full recording because the alternative is that a variable is only calculated overmeasurement days with sufficient valid hours of data.
ENMO (only available if set to true in part1.R) ENMO is the main summary measure of acceleration. The value presented is the average ENMO over all the available data normalised per 24 hour cycles, with invalid data imputed by the average at similar timepoints on different days of the week. In addition to ENMO it is possible to extract other acceleration metrics in part1.R (i.e. BFEN, HFEN, HFENplus) See also van Hees PLoSONE April 2013 for a detailed description and comparison of these techniques.
pX_A_mg_0-24h_fullRecording This variable represents the Xth percentile in the distribution of short epoch metric value A of the average day. The average day may not be ideal for describing the distribution. Therefore, the code also extracts the following variable.
AD_pX_A_mg_0-24h This variable represents the Xth percentile in the distribution of short epoch metric value A per day averaged across all days.
L5_A_mg_0-24 Average of metric A during the least active five* hours in the day that is the lowest rolling average value of metric A. (* window size is modifiable by argument winhr)
M5_A_mg_0-24 Average of metric A during the most active five* hours in the day that is the lowest rolling average value of metric A. (* window size is modifiable by argument winhr)
L5hr_A_mg_0-24 Starting time in hours and fractions of hours of L5_A_mg_0-24, where hours below 12 are incremented with 24 to create a continuous scale throughout the night (e.g. 36 = 6am) in line with numeric timeing of sleep variables in GGIR part 4 output.
M5hr_A_mg_0-24 Starting time in hours and fractions of hours of M5_A_mg_0-24
ig_gradient_ENMO_0 -24hr_fullRecording Intensity gradient calculated over the full recording.
1to6am_ENMO_mg Average metric value ENMO between 1am and 6am
N valid WEdays Number of valid weekend days
N valid WKdays Number of valid week days
IS_interdailystability inter daily stability. The movement count that is derived for this was an attempt to follow the original approach by Eus J. W. Van Someren (Chronobiology International. 1999. Volume 16, issue 4).
IV_in tradailyvariability intra daily variability. In contrast to the original paper, we ignore the epoch transitions between the end of a day and the beginning of the next day for the numerator of the equation, this to make it a true measure of intradaily variability. Same note as for IS: The movement count that is derived for this was an attempt to follow the original approach.
IVIS_windowsize_minutes Sizes of the windows based on which IV and IS are calculated (note that this is modifiable)
IVIS_epochsize_seconds Argument has been deprecated
AD_ All days (plain average of all available days, no weighting). The variable was calculated per day and then averaged over all the available days
WE_ Weekend days (plain average of all available days, no weighting). The variable was calculated per day and then averaged over weekend days only
WD_ Week days (plain average of all available days, no weighting). The variable was calculated per day and then averaged over week days only
WWE_ Weekend days (weighted average) The variable was calculated per day and then averaged over weekend days. Double weekend days are averaged. This is only relevant for experiments that last for more than seven days.
WWD_ Week days (weighted average) The variable was calculated per day and then averaged over week days. Double week days were averaged. This is only relevant for experiments that last for more than seven days)
WWD_MVPA_E5S_T100_ENMO Time spent in moderate-to-vigorous based on 5 second epoch size and an ENMO metric threshold of 100
WWE_MVPA_E5 S_B1M80%_T100_ENMO Time spent in moderate-to-vigorous based on 5 second epoch size and an ENMO metric threshold of 100 based on a bout criteria of 100
WE_[100, 150)_mg_0-24h_ENMO Time spent between (and including) 100 mg and 150 (excluding 150 itself) between 0 and 24 hours (the full day) using metric ENMO data exclusion data_masking_strategy (value=1, ignore specific hours; value=2, ignore all data before the first midnight and after the last midnight)
_M VPA_E5S_B1M80_T100 MVPA calculated based on 5 second epoch setting bout duration 1 Minute and inclusion criterion of more than 80 percent. This is only done for metric ENMO at the moment, and only if mvpa threshold is not left blank
_ENMO_mg ENMO or other metric was first calculated per day and then average according to AD, WD, WWE, WWD
data exclusion data_masking_strategy A log of the decision made when calling g.impute: value=1 mean ignore specific hours; value=2 mean ignore all data before the first midnight and after the last midnight
n hours ignored at start of meas (if data_masking_strategy=1, 3 or 5) number of hours ignored at the start of the measurement (if data_masking_strategy = 1) or at the start of the ndayswindow (if data_masking_strategy = 3 or 5) A log of decision made in part2.R
n hours ignored at end of meas (if data_masking_strategy=1, 3 or 5) number of hours ignored at the end of the measurement (if data_masking_strategy = 1) or at the end of the ndayswindow (if data_masking_strategy = 3 or 5). A log of decision made in part2.R
n hours ignored at end of meas (if data_masking_strategy = 1, 3 or 5) number of days of measurement after which all data is ignored (if data_masking_strategy = 1, 3 or 5) A log of decision made in part2.R
epoch size to which acceleration was averaged (seconds) A log of decision made in part1.R
pdffilenumb Indicator of in which pdf-file the plot was stored
pdfpagecount Indicator of in which pdf-page the plot was stored
cosinor_ Cosinor analysis estimates such as mes, amp, acrophase, and acrotime, as documented in the Ac tCR package.
cosinorExt_ Extended Cosinor analysis estimates such as minimum, amp, alpha, beta, acrotime, UpMesor, DownMesor, MESOR, and F_pseudo, as documented in the Ac tCR package.
cosinorIV Cosinor analysis compatible estimate of the Intradaily Variability (IV)
cosinorIS Cosinor analysis compatible estimate of Interdaily Stability (IS)

4.1.2 Day level summary

This is a non-exhaustive list, because most concepts have been explained in summary.csv

(Part of) variable name Description
ID Participant id
filename Name of the data file
calender_date Timestamp and date on which measurement started
bodylocation Location of the accelerometer as extracted from file header
N valid hours Number of hours with valid data in the day
N hours Number of hours of measurement in a day, which typically is 24, unless it is a day on which the clock changes (DST) resulting in 23 or 25 hours. The value can be less than 23 if the measurement started or ended this day
weekday Name of weekday
measurement Day of measurement Day number relative to start of the measurement
L5hr_ENMO_mg_0-24h Hour on which L5 starts for these 24 hours (defined with metric ENMO)
L5_ENMO_mg_0-24h Average acceleration for L5 (defined with metric ENMO)
[A,B)_mg_0-24h_ENMO Time spent in minutes between (and including) acceleration value A in mg and (excluding) acceleration value B in mg based on metric ENMO
ig_gradient_ENMO_0-24hr Gradient from intensity gradient analysis proposed by Rowlands et al. 2018 based on metric ENMO for the time segment 0 to 24 hours
ig_intercept_ENMO_0-24hr Intercept from intensity gradient analysis proposed by Rowlands et al. 2018 based on metric ENMO for the time segment 0 to 24 hours
ig_rsquared_ENMO_0-24hr r squared from intensity gradient analysis proposed by Rowlands et al. 2018 based on metric ENMO for the time segment 0 to 24 hours

4.1.3 Data_quality_report

The data_quality_report.csv is stored in subfolder folder results/QC.

(Part of) variable name Description
filename file name
file.corrupt Is file corrupt? TRUE or FALSE (mainly tested for GENEActiv bin files)
file.too.short File too short for processing? (definition) TRUE or FALSE
use.temperature Temperature used for auto-calibration? TRUE or FALSE
scale.x Auto-calibration scaling coefficient for x-axis (same for y and z axis, not shown here)
offset.x Auto-calibration offset coefficient for x-axis (same for y and z axis, not shown here)
temperature.offset.x Auto-calibration temperature offset coefficient for x-axis (same for y and z axis, not shown here)
cal.error.start Calibration error prior to auto-calibration
cal.error.end Calibration error after auto-calibration Number of 10 second epochs used as sphere data in auto-calibration
n.hours.considered Number of hours of data considered for auto-calibration
QCmessage Character QC message at the end of the auto-calibration
mean.temp Mean temperature in sphere data
device.serial.number Device serial number
NFilePagesSkipped (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Number of raw data blocks skipped
filehealth_totimp_min (Only for Axivity .cwa, ActiGraph gt3x, and ad-hoc csv format) Total number of minutes of raw data imputed
filehealth_checksumfail_min (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of minutes of raw data where the checksum failed
filehealth_niblockid_min (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of minutes of raw data with non-incremental block ids
filehealth_fbias0510_min (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of minutes with a sampling frequency bias between 5 and 10%
filehealth_fbias1020_min (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of minutes with a sampling frequency bias between 10 and 20%
filehealth_fbias2030_min (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of minutes with a sampling frequency bias between 20 and 30%
filehealth_fbias30_min (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of minutes with a sampling frequency bias higher than 30%
filehealth_totimp_N (Only for Axivity .cwa, ActiGraph gt3x, and ad-hoc csv format) Total number of data blocks that were imputed
filehealth_checksumfail_N (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of blocks where the checksum failed
filehealth_niblockid_N (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of raw data blocks with non-incremental block ids
filehealth_fbias0510_N (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of raw data blocks with a sampling frequency bias between 5 and 10%
filehealth_fbias1020_N (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of raw data blocks with a sampling frequency bias between 10 and 20%
filehealth_fbias2030_N (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of raw data blocks with a sampling frequency bias between 20 and 30%
filehealth_fbias30_N (Only for Axivity .cwa format) Total number of raw data blocks with a sampling frequency bias higher than 30%

4.2 Output part 4

Part 4 generates the following output:

4.2.1 Night level summaries

  • part4_nightsummary_sleep_cleaned.csv
  • QC/part4_nightsummary_sleep_full.csv

The latter with ’_full’ in the name is intended to aid clarifying why some nights (if any) are excluded from the cleaned summary report. Although, nights where the accelerometer was not worn at all are excluded from this. So, if you have a 30 day recording where the accelerometer was not worn from day 7 onward then you will not find the last 22 nights in either csv-report.

The csv. files contain the variables as shown below.

(Part of) variable name Description
ID Participant ID extracted from file
night Number of the night in the recording
sleeponset Detected onset of sleep expressed as hours since the midnight of the previous night.
wakeup Detected waking time (after sleep period) expressed as hours since the midnight of the previous night.
SptDuration Difference between onset and waking time.
sleepparam Definition of sustained inactivity by accelerometer.
guider guider used as discussed in paragraph Sleep analysis.
guider_onset Start of Sleep Period Time window derived from the guider.
guider_wake End of Sleep Period Time window derived guider.
guider_SptDuration Time SPT duration derived from guider_wake and guider_onset.
error_onset Difference between sleeponset and guider_onset
error_wake Difference between wakeup and guider_wake
fraction_night_invalid Fraction of the night (noon-noon or 6pm-6pm) for which the data was invalid, e.g. monitor not worn or no accelerometer measurement started/ended within the night.
SleepDurationInSpt Total sleep duration, which equals the accumulated nocturnal sustained inactivity bouts within the Sleep Period Time.
duration_sib_wakinghours Accumulated sustained inactivity bouts during the day. These are the periods we would label during the night as sleep, but during the day they form a subclass of inactivity, which may represent day time sleep or wakefulness while being motionless for a sustained period of time number_sib_sleepperiod} Number of nocturnal sleep periods, with nocturnal referring to the Sleep Period Time window.
duration_sib_wakinghours_atleast15min Same as duration_sib_wakinghours, but limited to SIBs that last at least 15 minutes.
num ber_sib_wakinghours Number of sustained inactivity bouts during the day, with day referring to the time outside the Sleep Period Time window.
sleeponset_ts sleeponset formatted as a timestamp
wakeup_ts wakeup formatted as a timestamp
guider_onset_ts guider_onset formatted as a timestamp
guider_wake_ts guider_wake formatted as a timestamp
page pdf page on which the visualisation can be found
daysleeper If 0 then the person is a nightsleeper (sleep period did not overlap with noon) if value=1 then the person is a daysleeper (sleep period did overlap with noon)
weekday Day of the week on which the night started
calendardate Calendar date on which the night started in day/month/year format.
filename Name of the accelerometer file
cleaningcode see paragraph Cleaningcode
sleeplog_used Whether a sleep log was used (TRUE/FALSE)
acc_available Whether accelerometer data was available (TRUE/FALSE).
WASO Wake After Sleep Onset: SptDuration - SleepDurationInSpt
SptDuration Sleep Period Time window duration: wakeup - sleeponset
error_onset Difference between sleeponset and guider_onset (this variable is only available in the full report as stored in the QC folder)
error_wake Difference between wakeup and guider_wake (this variable is only available in the full report as stored in the QC folder)
SleepRegularityIndex The Sleep Regularity Index as proposed by Phillips et al. 2017, but calculated per day-pair to enable user to study patterns across days
SriFractionValid Fraction of the 24 hour period that was valid in both current as well as in matching timestamps for the next calendar day. See GGIR function manual for details
nonwear_perc_spt Non-wear percentage during the spt hours of this day. This is a copy of the nonwear_perc_spt calculated in part 5, only included in part 4 reports if part 5 has been run with timewindow = WW Non-default variables in part 4 csv report

These additional are only stored if you used a sleeplog that captures time in bed, or when using guider HorAngle for hip-worn accelerometer data. If either of these applies set argument sleepwindowType to “TimeInBed”.

(Part of) variable name Description
guider_guider_inbedStart Time of getting in bed
guider_guider_inbedEnd Time of getting out of bed
guider_inbedDuration Time in Bed: guider_inbedEnd - guider_inbedStart
sleepefficiency Sleep efficiency, calculated by one of two metrics as controlled by argument sleepefficiency.metric: SleepDurationInSpt / guider_inbedDuration (default) or SleepDurationInSpt / (SptDuration + latency)
sleeplatency Sleep latency, calculated as: sleeponset - guider_inbedStart

4.2.2 Person level summaries

  • part4_summary_sleep_cleaned.csv
  • QC/part4_summary_sleep_full.csv

In the person level report the variables are derived from the variables in the night level summary. Minor extensions to the variable names explain how variables are aggregated across the days. Please find below extra clarification on a few of the variable names for which the meaning may not be obvious:

(Part of) variable name Description
_mn mean across days
_sd standard deviation across days
_AD All days
_WE Weekend days
_WD Week days
sleeplog_used Whether a sleeplog was available (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
sleep_efficiency Accelerometer derived sleep efficiency within the sleep period time calculated as the ratio between acc_SleepDurationInSpt and guider_SptDuration (denominator) or acc_SleepDurationInSpt and acc_SptDuration + latency (denominator), as defined with sleepefficiency.metric. Only available at person level, because at night level the user can calculate this from existing variables.
n_nights_acc Number of nights of accelerometer data
n_nights_sleeplog Number of nights of sleeplog data.
n_WE_nights_complete Number of weekend nights complete which means both accelerometer and estimate from guider.
n_WD_nights_complete Number of weekday nights complete which means both accelerometer and estimate from guider.
n_WEnights_daysleeper Number of weekend nights on which the person slept until after noon.
n_WDnights_daysleeper Number of weekday nights on which the person slept until after noon.
duration_sib_wakinghour Total duration of sustained inactivity bouts during the waking hours.
number_sib_wakinghours Number of sustained inactivity bouts during the waking hours.
average_dur_sib_wakinghours Average duration of the sustained inactivity bouts during the day (outside the sleep period duration). Calculated as duration_sib_wakinghour divided by number_sib_wakinghours per day, after which the mean and standard deviation are calculated across days.

4.2.3 visualisation_sleep.pdf

Visualisation to support data quality checks: - visualisation_sleep.pdf (optional)

When input argument do.visual is set to TRUE GGIR can show the following visual comparison between the time window of being asleep (or in bed) according to the sleeplog and the detected sustained inactivity bouts according to the accelerometer data. This visualisation is stored in the results folder as visualisation_sleep.pdf.

Explanation of the image: Each line represents one night. Colours are used to distinguish definitions of sustained inactivity bouts (2 definitions in this case) and to indicate existence or absence of overlap with the sleeplog. When argument outliers.only is set to FALSE it will visualise all available nights in the dataset. If outliers.only is set to TRUE it will visualise only nights with a difference in onset or waking time between sleeplog and sustained inactivity bouts larger than the value of argument criterror.

This visualisation with outliers.only set to TRUE and critererror set to 4 was very powerful to identify entry errors in sleeplog data in van Hees et al PLoSONE 2015. We had over 25 thousand nights of data, and this visualisation allowed us to quickly zoom in on the most problematic nights to investigate possible mistakes in GGIR or mistakes in data entry.

4.3 Output part 5

The output of part 5 is dependent on the parameter configuration, it will generate as many output files as there are unique combination of the three thresholds provided.

For example, the following files will be generated if the threshold configuration was 30 for light activity, 100 for moderate and 400 for vigorous activity:

  • part5_daysummary_MM_L30M100V400_T5A5.csv
  • part5_daysummary_WW_L30M100V400_T5A5.csv
  • part5_personsummary_MM_L30M100V400_T5A5.csv
  • part5_personsummary_WW_L30M100V400_T5A5.csv
  • file summary reports/Report_nameofdatafile.pdf

4.3.1 Day level summary

(Term in) variable name Description
sleeponset onset of sleep expressed in hours since the midnight in the night preceding the night of interest, e.g. 26 is 2am.
wakeup waking up time express in the same way as sleeponset.
sleeponset_ts onset of sleep expressed as a timestamp hours:minutes:seconds
daysleeper if 0 then the person woke up before noon, if 1 then the person woke up after noon
cleaningcode See paragraph Cleaningcode.
dur_day_spt_min Total length of daytime waking hours and spt combined (typically 24 hours for MM report).
dur_ duration of a behavioral class that will be specified int he rest of the variable name
ACC_ (average) acceleration according to default metric specific by acc.metric
_spt_wake_ Wakefulness within the Sleep period time window.
_spt_sleep_ Sleep within the Sleep period time window.
_IN_ Inactivity. Note that we use the term inactivity instead of sedentary behaviour for the lowest intensity level of behaviour. The reason for this is that GGIR does not attempt to classifying the activity type sitting at the moment, by which we feel that using the term sedentary behaviour would fail to communicate that.
_LIG_ Light activity
_MOD_ Moderate activity
_VIG_ Vigorous activity
_MVPA_ Moderate or Vigorous activity
_unbt_ Unbouted
_bts_ Bouts (also known as sojourns), which are segments that for which the acceleration is within a specified range for a specified fraction of the time.
_bts_1_10_ Bouts lasting at least 1 minute and less than 10 minutes (1 and 9.99 minutes are included, but 10 minutes is not).
Nblock number of blocks of a certain behavioral class, not these are not bouts but a count of the number of times the behavioral class occurs without interruptions.
WW in filename refers to analyses based on the timewindow from waking to waking up
MM in filename refers to analyses done on windows between midnight and midnight
calendar_date calendar date on which the window started in day/month/year format. So, for WW window this could mean that you have two windows starting on the same date.
weekday weekday on which the window started. So, for WW window this could mean that you have two windows starting on the weekday.
_total_IN total time spent in inactivity (no distinction between bouted or unbouted behavior, this is a simple count of the number of epochs that meet the threshold criteria.
_total_LIG total time spent in light activity.
nonwear_perc_day Non-wear percentage during the waking hours of this day.
nonwear_perc_spt Non-wear percentage during the spt hours of this day.
nonwear_perc_day_spt Non-wear percentage during the whole day, including waking and spt.
dur_day_min Duration of waking hours within this day window
dur_spt_min Duration of Sleep Period Time within this day window.
dur_day_spt_min Duration this day window, including both waking hours and SPT.
sleep_efficiency sleep_efficiency in part 5 is not the same as in part 4, but calculated as the percentage of sleep within the sleep period time window. The conventional approach is the approach used in part 4.
L5TIME Timing of least active 5hrs, expressed as timestamp in the day
M5TIME Timing of most active 5hrs
L5TIME_num, M5TIME_num Timing of least/most active 5hrs, expressed as hours in the day. Note that L5/M5 timing variables are difficult to average across days because 23:00 and 1:00 would average to noon and not to midnight. So, caution is needed when interpreting person averages.
L5VALUE Acceleration value for least active 5hrs
M5VALUE Acceleration value for most active 5hrs
ig_ All variables related to intensity gradient analysis
_gradient Gradient from intensity gradient analysis proposed by Rowlands et al. 2018 for the waking hours window (_day_) and for the full window (_day_spt_)
_intercept Intercept from intensity gradient analysis proposed by Rowlands et al. 2018 for the waking hours window (_day_) and for the full window (_day_spt_)
_rsquared r squared from intensity gradient analysis proposed by Rowlands et al. 2018 for the waking hours window (_day_) and for the full window (_day_spt_)
FRAG_ All variables related to behavioural fragmentation analysis
TP_ Transition probability
PA2IN Physical activity fragments followed by inactivity fragments
IN2PA Physical inactivity fragments followed by activity fragments
Nfrag Number of fragments
IN2LIPA Inactivity fragments followed by LIPA
IN2MVPA Inactivity fragments followed by MVPA
mean_dur mean duration of a fragment category
Gini_dur Gini index
CoV_dur Coefficient of Variation
alpha Power law exponent
x0.5 Derived from power law exponent alpha, see Chastin et al. 201 0
W0.5 Derived from power law exponent alpha, see Chastin et al. 201 0
nap_count Total number of naps, only calculated when argument do.sibreport = TRUE, currently optimised for 3.5-year olds. See function documentation for function g.part5.classifyNaps in the GGIR function documentation (pdf).
nap_totalduration Total nap duration, only calculated when argument do.sibreport = TRUE, currently optimised for 3.5-year old. See function documentation for function g.part5.classifyNaps in the GGIR function documentation (pdf).
sibreport_n_items Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Number of items in the sibreport
sibreport_n_items_day Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Number of items in the sibreport for this specific day
nbouts_day_X Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Number of bouts in a day of X where X can be sib (sustained inactivity bout), srnap (self-reported nap) or srnonw (self-reported nonwear)
noverl_X Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Number of overlapping bouts in a day of X where X can be sib_srnap, sib_srnonw, srnap_sib, or srnonw_sib
frag_mean_dur_X_day Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Mean duration of X per day, where X can be sib, srnap or srnonw
dur_day_X_min Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Total duration in minutes of X per day, where X can be sib, srnap or srnonw
mdur_X_overl_Y Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Mean duration of the overlap between X and Y, which are combinations of sib, srnap or srnonw
tdur_X_overl_Y Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Total duration in minutes of the overlap between X and Y, which are combinations of sib, srnap or srnonw
perc_X_overl_Y Only created if do.sibreport = TRUE. Percentage of overlap between X and Y, which are combinations of sib, srnap or srnonw

Special note if you are working on compositional data analysis:

The duration of all dur_ variables that have _total_ in their name should add up to the total length of the waking hours in a day. Similarly, the duration of all other dur_ variables excluding the variables _total_ in their name and excluding the variable with dur_day_min, dur_spt_min, and dur_day_spt_min should also add up to the length of the full day.

Motivation for default = 0.9:

The idea is that if you allow for bouts of 30 minutes it would not make sense to allow for breaks of 20 percent (6 minutes!) this is why I used a more stringent criteria for the highest category. Please note that you can change these criteria via arguments boutcriter.mvpa,, and boutcriter.lig.

4.3.2 Person level summary

Most variables in the person level summary are derived from the day level summary, but extended with _pla to indicate that the variable was calculated as the plain average across all valid days. Variables extended with _wei represent the weighted average of across all days where weekend days always weighted 2/5 relative to the contribution of week days.

Variable name Description
Nvaliddays Total number of valid days.
Nvaliddays_WD Number of valid week days.
Nvaliddays_WE Number of valid weekend days, where the days that start on Saturday or Sunday are considered weekend.
NcleaningcodeX Number of days that had cleaning code X for the corresponding sleep analysis in part 4. In case of MM analysis this refers to the night at the end of the day.
Nvaliddays_AL10F_WD Number of valid week days with at least 10 fragments (5 inactivity or 5 inactive)
Nvaliddays_AL10F_WE Number of valid weekend days with at least 10 fragments (5 inactivity or 5 inactive)
_wei weighted average of weekend and week days, using a 2/5 ratio, see above.
_pla plain average of all days, see above

5 Motivation and clarification

In this chapter we will try to collect motivations and clarification behind GGIR which may not have been clear from the existing publications.

5.1 Reproducibilty of GGIR analyses

Some tips to increase reproducibility of your findings:

  1. When you publish your findings, please remember to add the GGIR package version number. All of GGIR are archived by CRAN and available from the archive section on the package website. GGIR has evolved over the years. To get a better understanding of how versions differ you should check the NEWS sections from the package website
  2. Report how you configured the accelerometer
  3. Report the study protocol and wear instructions given to the participants
  4. Report GGIR version
  5. Report how GGIR was used: Share the config.csv file or your R script
  6. Report how you post-processed / cleaned GGIR output
  7. Report how reported outcomes relate to the specific variable names in GGIR

5.2 Auto-calibration

This section has been migrated this section in the GitHub pages, which is a more narrative book-style overview of GGIR.

5.3 Non-wear detection

This section has been migrated this section in the GitHub pages, which is a more narrative book-style overview of GGIR.

5.4 Clipping score

This section has been migrated this section in the GitHub pages, which is a more narrative book-style overview of GGIR.

5.5 Why collapse information to epoch level?

Although many data points are collected we decide to only work with aggregated values (e.g. 1 or 5 second epochs) for the following reasons:

  1. Accelerometers are often used to describe patterns in metabolic energy expenditure. Metabolic energy expenditure is typically defined per breath or per minute (indirect calorimetry), per day (room calorimeter), or per multiple days (doubly labelled water method). In order to validate our methods against these reference standards we need to work with a similar time resolution.

  2. Collapsing the data to epoch summary measures helps to standardise for differences in sample frequency between studies.

  3. There is little evidence that the raw data is an accurate representation of body acceleration. All scientific evidence on the validity of accelerometer data has so far been based on epoch averages.

  4. Collapsing the data to epoch summary measures may help to average out different noise levels and make sensor brands more comparable.

5.5.1 Why does the first epoch not allign with the original start of the recording

GGIR uses short (default 5 seconds) and long epochs (default 15 minutes). The epochs are aligned to the hour in the day, and to each other. For example, if a recording starts at 9:52:00 then the GGIR will work with epochs derived from 10:00:00 onward. If the recording starts at 10:12 then GGIR will work with epochs derived from 10:15:00 onward.


  • This allows us to have a standardised time grid across recordings to describe behaviour.
  • This allows us to calculate behaviour exactly per day or per specified time interval in a day.

If the first 15 minute epochs would start at 9:52 then the next one would start at 10:07, which makes it impossible to make statement about behaviour between 10:00 and 13:00.

5.6 Sleep analysis

In GGIR sleep analysis has been implemented in part 3 and 4. Sleep analysis comes at two levels: The identification of the main Sleep Period Time (SPT) window or the time in bed window (TIB), and the discrimination of sleep and wakefulness periods. The term sleep is somewhat controversial in the context of accelerometry, because accelerometer only capture lack of movement. To acknowledge this challenge GGIR refers to these classified sleep periods as sustained inactivity bouts (abbreviated as SIB).

Current, GGIR offers the user the choice to identify SIB period using any of the following algorithms:

  • vanHees2015: Heuristic algorithm proposed in 2015 link which looks for periods of time where the z-angle does not change by more than 5 degrees for at least 5 minutes. This in contrast to conventional sleep detection algorithms such as Sadeh, Galland, and ColeKripke which rely on acceleration to estimate sleep. The vanHees2015 algorithm is the default.
  • Sadeh1994: The algorithm proposed by Sadeh et al. link. To use the GGIR implementation of the zero-crossing counts and Sadeh algorithm, specify argument HASIB.algo = "Sadeh1994" and argument Sadeh_axis = "Y" to indicate that the algorithm should use the Y-axis of the sensor.
  • Galland2012: The count-scaled algorithm proposed by Galland et al. link. To use our implementation of the Galland2012 algorithm specify argument HASIB.algo = "Galland2012". Further, set Sadeh_axis = "Y" to specify that the algorithm should use the Y-axis.
  • ColeKripke1992: The algorithm proposed by Cole et al. link, more specifically GGIR uses the algortihm proposed in the paper for 10-second non-overlapping epochs with counts e xpressed average per minute. We skip the re-scoring steps as the paper showed marginal added value of this added complexity. To use the GGIR implementation of the zero-crossing counts and Sadeh algorithm, specify argument HASIB.algo = "ColeKripke1992" and argument Sadeh_axis = "Y" to indicate that the algorithm should use the Y-axis of the sensor.
  • NotWorn: This algorithm can be used if the study protocol was to not wear the accelerometer at night. GGIR will then look for hours with close to zero movement and treat those as sustained inactivity bouts. It should be obvious that this does not facilitate any meaningful sleep analysis but it does allow GGIR to then run GGIR part 5 based on the assumption that this analysis helped to isolate night time from daytime.

5.6.1 Notes on sleep classification algorithms designed for count data Replication of the movement counts needed

The implementation of the zero-crossing count in GGIR is not an exact copy of the original approach as used in the AMA-32 Motionlogger Actigraph by Ambulatory-monitoring Inc. (“AMI”) that was used in the studies by Sadeh, Cole, Kripke and colleagues in late 1980s and 1990s. No complete publicly accessible description of that approach exists. From personal correspondence with AMI, we learnt that the technique has been kept proprietary and has never been shared with or sold to other actigraphy manufacturers (time of correspondence October 2021). Therefore, if you would like to replicate the exact zero-crossing counts calculation used by Sadeh and colleague’s consider using AMI’s actigraph device (you will have to trust AMI that hardware has not changed since the 1980s). However, if you prioritise openness over methodological consistency with the original studies by Sadeh, Cole, and colleagues then you may want to consider any of the open source techniques in this library. Missing information for replicating movement counts

More specifically, the missing information about the calculation includes: (1) Sadeh specified that calculations were done on data from the Y-axis but the direction of the Y-axis was not clarified. Therefore, it is unclear whether the Y-axis at the time corresponds to the Y-axis of modern sensors, (2) Properties of the frequency filter are missing like the filter order and more generally it is unclear how to simulate original acceleration sensor behaviour with modern sensor data, and (3) Sensitivity of the sensor, we are now guessing that the Motionlogger had a sensitivity of 0.01 g but without direct proof.

The method proposed by Galland and colleagues in 2012 was designed for counts captured with the Actical device (Mini Mitter Co, Inc Bend OR). Based on the correspondence with AMI we can conclude that Actical counts are not identical to AMI’s actigraph counts. Further, a publicly accessible complete description of the Actical calculation does not exist. Therefore, we can also conclude that methodological consistency cannot be guaranteed for Actical counts. An educated guess and how you can to help optimise the implementation

Following the above challenges the implementation of the zero-crossing count in GGIR is based on an educated guess where we used all information we could find in literature and product documentation. In our own evaluation the zero-crossing count value range looks plausible when compared to the value range in the original publications.

How you can help to optimise the implementation:

Given the uncertainties surrounding the older sleep algorithm we encourage GGIR users to evaluate and help optimise the algorithms. Here, we have the following suggestions:

  • For ActiGraph users, when comparing GGIR Cole-Kripke estimates with ActiLife Cole Kripke estimate be aware that ActiLife may have adopted a different Cole-Kripke algorithm as the original publication presented four algorithms. Further, ActiLife may have used different educated guesses about how Motionlogger counts are calculated.
  • Compare GGIR sleep estimate with Polysomnography or Motionlogger output and try to optimise the zero crossing count parameters as discussed below.

Input argument to aid in the optimisation:

To aid research in exploring count type algorithms, we also implemented the brondcounts as proposed by Brønd and Brondeel and available via R package activityCounts, as well as the neishabouricounts that follows the algorithm implemented in the close-source software ActiLife by ActiGraph and is available in the R package actilifecounts. DISCLAIMER: the brondcounts option has been deprecated as of October2022 due to issues with the activityCounts package it relies on. We will reactivate brondcounts once the issues are resolved. To extract these metrics in addition to the zero crossing count, specify do.brondcounts = TRUE and/or do.neishabouricounts = TRUE which is used in GGIR part 1 and uses R packages activityCounts and actilifecounts in the background. As a result, sleep estimates for Sadeh, Cole-Kripke or Galland will be derived based on the zero crossing algorithm and additionally on the brondcounts or/and actilifecounts algorithms if requested by the user. Further, we have added parameters to help modify the configuration of the zero-crossing count calculation, see arguments:, zc.hb,, zc/order, and zc.scale. As well as one parameter to modify the neishabouricounts calculation, see argument: actilife_LFE.

5.6.2 Guiders

SIBs (explained above) can occur anytime in the day. In order to differentiate SIBs that correspond to daytime rest/naps from SIBs that correspond to the main Sleep Period Time window (abbreviated as SPT), a guiding method referred as guider is used. All SIBs that overlap with the window defined by guider are considered as sleep within the SPT window. The start of the first SIB identified as sleep period and the end of the last SIB identified as sleep period define the beginning and the end of the SPT window. In this way the classification relies on the accelerometer for detecting the timing of sleep onset and waking up time, but the guider tells it in what part of the day it should look, as SPT window will be defined only if SIB is detected during the guider specified window.

If a guider reflects the Time in Bed the interpretation of the Sleep Period Time, Sleep onset time and Wakeup time remains unchanged. However, we can then also assess sleep latency and and sleep efficiency, which will be included in the report.

The guiding method as introduced above can be one of the following methods:

  • Guider = sleep log: As presented in before mentioned 2015 article.See section on sleep analysis related arguments for a discussion fo sleep log data formats. Specify argument sleepwindowType to clarify whether the sleeplog capture “TimeInBed” or “SPT”. If it is set to “TimeInBed”, GGIR will automatically expand its part 4 analyses with sleep latency and sleep efficiency assessment.
  • Guider = HDCZA: As presented in our 2018 article. The HDCZA algorithm does not require access to a sleep log, and is designed for studies where no sleep log is available. The time segment over which the HDCZA is derived are by default from noon to noon. However, if the HDCZA ends between 11am and noon then it will be applied again but to a 6pm-6pm window.
  • Guider = L5+/-12: As presented in our 2018 article. Twelve hour window centred around the least active 5 hours of the day.
  • Guider = setwindow: Window times are specified by user, constant at specific clock times with argument def.noc.sleep.
  • Guider = HorAngle: Only used if argument sensor.location="hip", because this will trigger the identification of the longitudinal axis based on 24-hour lagged correlation. You can also force GGIR to use a specific axis as longitudinal axis with argument longitudinal_axis. Next, it identifies when the horizontal axis is between -45 and 45 degrees and considers this a horizontal posture. Next, this is used to identify the largest time in bed period, by only considering horizontal time segments of at least 30 minutes, and then looking for longest horizontal period in the day where gaps of less than 60 minutes are ignored. Therefore, it is partially similar to the HDCZA algorithm. When “HorAngle” is used, sleepwindowType is automatically set to “TimeInBed”.
  • Guider = NotWorn: Used for studies where the instruction was not to wear the accelerometer durating the night. GGIR then searches for the longest period with zero movement.

For all guiders other than “HorAngle” and “sleep log” argument sleepwindowType is automatically switched to “SPT”, such that no attempt is made to estimate sleep latency or sleep efficiency.

GGIR uses by default the sleep log, if the sleep log is not available it falls back on the HDCZA algorithm (or HorAngle if sensor.location="hip"). If HDCZA is not successful GGIR will falls back on the L5+/-12 definition, and if this is not available it will use the setwindow. The user can specify the priority with argument def.noc.sleep. So, when we refer to guider then we refer to one of these five methods.

5.6.3 Daysleepers (nights workers)

If the guider indicates that the person woke up after noon, the sleep analysis in part 4 is performed again on a window from 6pm-6pm. In this way our method is sensitive to people who have their main sleep period starting before noon and ending after noon, referred as daysleeper=1 in daysummary.csv file, which you can interpret as night workers. Note that the L5+/-12 algorithm is not configured to identify daysleepers, it will only consider the noon-noon time window.

5.6.4 Cleaningcode

To monitor possible problems with the sleep assessment, the variable cleaningcode is recorded for each night. Cleaningcode per night (noon-noon or 6pm-6pm as described above) can have one of the following values:

  • 0: no problem, sleep log available and SPT is identified;
  • 1: sleep log not available, thus HDCZA is used and SPT is identified,
  • 2: not enough valid accelerometer data based on the non-wear and clipping detection from part summarised over the present night where the argument includenightcrit indicates the minimum number of hours of valid data needed within those 24 hours.
  • 3: no accelerometer data available,
  • 4: there were no nights to be analysed for this person,
  • 5: SPT estimated based on guider only, because either no SIB was found during the entire guider window, which complicates defining the start and end of the SPT, or the user specified the ID number of the recording and the night number in the data_cleaning_file to tell GGIR to rely on the guider and not rely on the accelerometer data for this particular night
  • 6: no sleep log available and HDCZA also failed for this specific night then use average of HDCZA estimates from other nights in the recording as guider for this night. If HDCZA estimates are not available during the entire recording then use L5+/-12 estimate for this night. The last scenario seems highly unlikely in a recording where the accelerometer was worn for at least one day.

5.6.5 Difference between cleaned and full output

All the information for each night is stored in the results/QC folder allowing tracing of the data analysis and night selection. The cleaned results stored in the results folder. In part 4 a night is excluded from the ‘cleaned’ results based on the following criteria:

  • If the study proposed a sleep log to the individuals, then nights are excluded for which the sleep log was not used as a guider (i.o.w. nights with cleaningcode not equal to 0 or variable sleep log used equals FALSE).
  • If the study did not propose a sleep log to the individuals, then all nights are removed with cleaningcode higher than 1.

Be aware that if using the full output and working with wrist accelerometer data, then missing entries in a sleep log that asks for Time in Bed will be replaced by HDCZA estimates of SPT. Therefore, extra caution should be taken when working with the full output.

Notice that part 4 is focused on sleep research, by which the cleaned reported is the way it is. In the next section we will discuss the analysis done by part 5. There, the choice of guider may be considered less important, by which we use different criteria for including nights. So, you may see that a night that is excluded from the cleaned results in part 4 still appears in the cleaned results for part 5.

5.6.6 Data cleaning file

The package allows some adjustments to be made after data quality check. The data_cleaning_file argument allows you to specify individuals and nights for whom part4 should entirely rely on the guider (for example if we decide to use sleep log only information). The first column of this file should have header ID and there should be a column relyonguider_part4 to specify the night. The data_cleaning_file allows you to tell GGIR which person(s) and night(s) should be omitted in part 4. The the night numbers to be excluded should be listed in a column night_part4 as header.

5.7 Waking-waking or 24 hour time-use analysis

In part 5 the sleep estimates from part 4 are used to describe 24-hour time use. Part 5 allows you to do this in two ways: Literally 24 hours which start and end a calendar day (default midnight, but modifiable with argument dayborder) or from waking up to waking up. In GGIR we refer to the former as MM windows and to the latter as WW windows. The onset and waking times are guided by the estimates from part 4, but if they are missing part 5 will attempt to retrieve the estimate from the guider method, because even if the accelerometer was not worn during the night, or a sleep log is missing in a study where sleep log was proposed to the participants, estimates from a sleep log or HDCZA can still be considered a reasonable estimate of the SPT window in the context of 24-hour time use analysis.

If WW is used in combination with ignoring the first and last midnight, argument excludefirstlast, then the first wake-up time (on the second recording day) needs to be extracted for the first WW day. This is done with the guider method. This also means that the last WW window ends on the before last morning of the recording.

A distinction is made between the full results stored in the results/QC folder and the cleaned results stored in the results folder.

5.7.1 Time series output files

If you want to inspect the time series corresponding to these windows then see argument save_ms5rawlevels, which allows you to export the time series including behavioral classes and non-wear information to csv files. The behavioral classes are included as numbers, the legend for these classes is stored as a separate legend file in the meta/ms5.outraw folder named “behavioralcodes2020-04-26.csv” where the date will correspond to the date of analysis.

Additional input arguments that may be of interest:

  • save_ms5raw_format is a character string to specify how data should be stored: either “csv” (default) or “RData”. Only used if save_ms5rawlevels=TRUE.
  • save_ms5raw_without_invalid is Boolean to indicate whether to remove invalid days from the time series output files. Only used if save_ms5rawlevels=TRUE.

The time series output file comes with the following columns:

Column name Description
timenum Time stamp in UTC time format (i.e., seconds since 1970-01-01). To convert timenum to time stamp format, you need to specify your desired time zone, e.g., as.POSIXct(mdat$timenum, tz = "Europe/London").
ACC Average acceleration metric selected by acc.metric, default = “ENMO”.
SleepPeriodTime Is 1 if SPT is detected, 0 if not. Note that this refers to the combined usage of guider and detected sustained inactivity bouts (rest periods).
invalidepoch Is 1 if epoch was detect as invalid (e.g. non-wear), 0 if not.
guider Number to indicate what guider type was used, where 1=sleeplog, 2=HDCZA, 3=swetwindow, 4=L512, 5=HorAngle, 6=NotWorn
window Numeric indicator of the analysis window in the recording. If timewindow = “MM” then these correspond to calendar days, if timewindow = “WW” then these correspond to which wakingup-wakingup window in the recording, if timewindow = “OO” then these correspond to which sleeponset-sleeponset window in the recording. So, in a recording of one week you may find window numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
class_id The behavioural class codes are documented in the exported csv file meta/ms5outraw/behaviouralcodes.csv. Class codes above class 8 will be analysis specific, because it depends on the number time variants of the bouts used. For example, if you look at MVPA lasting 1-10, 10-20, 30-40 then all of them will have their own class_id. In behaviouralcodes.csv you will find a column with class_names which match the behavioural classes as reported in the part 5 report.
invalid_fullwindow Percentage of the window (see above) that represents invalid data, included to ease filtering the timeseries based on whether windows are valid or not.
invalid_sleepperiod Percentage of SPT within the current window that represents invalid data.
invalid_wakinghours Percentage of waking hours within the current window that represents invalid data.
timestamp Time stamp derived from converting the column timenum, only available if save_ms5raw_format = TRUE.
angle anglez by default. If sensor.location = "hip" or HASPT.algo = "HorAngle" then angle represents the angle for the longitudinal axis as provided by argument longitudinal_axis or estimated if no angle was provided. If more angles were extracted in part 1 then these will be add with their letter appended.
lightpeak If lux sensor data is available in the data file then it was summarised at an epoch length defined by the second value of parameter windowsizes (defaults to 900 seconds = 15 minutes), to add this value to the time series it is interpolated, so the original time resolution is not necessarily reflected in this column.
temperature If temperature was available in the data file then it was summarised at an epoch length defined by the second value of parameter windowsizes (defaults to 900 seconds = 15 minutes), to add this value to the time series it is interpolated, so the original time resolution is not necessarily reflected in this column.

For users we also want to export the time series of multiple metric values see argument epochvalues2csv which relates to the storage of time series in GGIR part 2.

5.7.2 Day inclusion criteria

The full part 5 output is stored in the results/QC folder. The default inclusion criteria for days in the cleaned output from part 5 (stored in the results folder) are:

  • For both MM and WW defined days: The valid (sensor worn) time fraction of the day needs to be above the fraction specified with argument includedaycrit.part5 (default 2/3).
  • For MM defined days only: The length of the day needs to be at least the number of hours as specified by minimum_MM_length.part5 (default 23). Note that if your experiment started and ended in the middle of the day then this default setting will exclude those incomplete first and last days. If you think including these days is still meaningful for your work then adjust the argument minimum_MM_length.part5.

Important notes:

  • No criteria is set for the amount of valid data during the SPT window, because all we are interested in part 5 is knowing the borders of the night and we trust that this was sufficiently estimated by part 4. If you disagree then please notice that all the days are included in the full report available in results/QC folder.
  • This means that argument includenightcrit as used for part 4 is not used in part 5.

The data_cleaning_file argument discussed in Data_cleaning_file also allows you to tell GGIR which person(s) and day(s) should be omitted in part 5. The the day numbers to be excluded should be listed in a column day_part5 as header.

5.7.3 Fragmentation metrics

When setting input argument as frag.metrics="all" GGIR part 5 will perform behavioural fragmentation analysis for daytime and (separately) for spt. Do this in combination with argument part5_agg2_60seconds=TRUE as that will aggregate the time series to 1 minute resolution as is common in behavioural fragmentation literature.

In GGIR, a fragment for daytime is a defined as a sequence of epochs that belong to one of the four categories:

  1. Inactivity
  2. Light Physical Activity (LIPA)
  3. Moderate or Vigorous Physical Acitivty (MVPA)
  4. Physical activity (can be either LIPA or MVPA)

Each of these categories represents the combination of bouted and unbouted time in the respective categories. Inactivity and physical activity add up to a full day (outside SPT), as well as inactivity, LIPA and MVPA. The fragmentation metrics are applied in function g.fragmentation.

A fragment of SPT is defined as a sequence of epochs that belong to one of the four categories: 1. Estimated sleep 2. Estimated wakefulness 3. Inactivity 4. Physical activity (can be either LIPA or MVPA)

Note that from the metrics below only fragmentation metrics TP and NFrag are calculated for the SPT fragments.

Literature about these metrics:

  • Coefficient of Variance (CoV) is calculated according to Blikman et al. 2014.
  • Transition probability (TP) from Inactivity (IN) to Physical activity (IN2PA) and from Physical activity to inactivity (PA2IN) are calculated as 1 divided by the mean fragment duration. The transition probability from Inactivity to LIPA and MVPA are calculated as: (Total duration in IN followed by LIPA or MVPA, respectively, divided by total duration in IN) divided by the average duration in IN.
  • Gini index is calculated with function Gini from the ineq R package, and with it’s argument corr set to TRUE.
  • Power law exponent metrics: Alpha, x0.5, and W0.5 are calculated according to Chastin et al. 2010.
  • Number of fragment per minutes (NFragPM) is calculated identical to metric fragmentation in Chastin et al. 2012, but it is renamed here to be a more specific reflection of the calculation. The term fragmentation appears too generic given that all fragmentation metrics inform us about fragmentation. Please not that this is effectively the same metric as the transition probability, because total number divided by total sum in duration equals 1 divided by average duration. This is just different terminology for the same construct.

Conditions for calculation and value when condition is not met:

  • Metrics Gini and CoV are only calculated if there are at least 10 fragments (e.g. 5 inactive and 5 active). If this condition is not met the metric value will be set to missing.
  • Metrics related to power law exponent alpha are also only calculated when there are at least 10 fragments, but with the additional condition that the standard deviation in fragment duration is not zero. If these conditions are not met the metric value will be set to missing.
  • Other metrics related to binary fragmentation (mean_dur_PA and mean_dur_IN), are calculated when there are at least 2 fragments (1 inactive, 1 active). If this condition is not met the value will is set to zero.
  • Metrics related to TP are calculated if: There is at least 1 inactivity fragment AND (1 LIPA OR 1 MVPA fragment). If this condition is not met the TP metric value is set to zero.

To keep an overview of which recording days met the criteria for non-zero standard deviation and at least ten fragments, GGIR part5 stores variable Nvaliddays_AL10F at person level (=Number of valid days with at least 10 fragments), and SD_dur (=standard deviation of fragment durations) at day level as well as aggregated per person.

Difference between fragments and blocks:

Elsewhere in the part5 we use the term block. A block is a sequence of epochs that belong to the same behavioural class. This may sound similar to the definition of a fragment, but for blocks we distinguish every behavioural class, which includes the subcategories such as bouted and unbouted behaviour. This means that variables Nblock_day_total_IN and Nblock_day_total_LIG are identical to Nfrag_IN_day and Nfrag_LIPA_day, respectively. In contrast, for fragments we may group LIPA and MVPA together when refering to the fragmentation of PA.

Differences with R package ActFrag:

The fragmentation functionality is loosely inspired on the great work done by Dr. Junrui Di and colleages in R package ActFrag, as described in Junrui Di et al. 2017.

However, we made a couple of a different decisions that may affect comparability:

  • GGIR derives fragmentation metrics per day. This allows us to avoid the issue of gaps between days that need to be dealt with. Further, it allows us to test for behavioural differences between days of the week. It is well known that human behaviour can be driven by weekly rhythms, e.g. work days versus weekend. Estimating fragmentation per day of the week allows us to study and account for such possible variation. As with all other GGIR variables we also report recording level aggregates of the daily estimates.
  • Transition probability is according to Lim et al. 2011
  • Power law alpha exponent metrics were calculated according to Chastin et al. 2010 using the theoretical minimum fragment duration instead of the observed minimum fragment duration.

5.8 Why use data metric ENMO as default?

GGIR offers a range of acceleration metrics to choose from, but only one metric can be the default. Acceleration metric ENMO (Euclidean Norm Minus One with negative values rounded to zero) has been the default metric in GGIR. In 2013 we wrote a paper in which we investigated different ways of summarising the raw acceleration data. In short, different metrics exist and there is very little literature to support the superiority of any metric at the time. As long as different studies use different metrics their findings will not be comparable. Therefore, the choice for metric ENMO is partially pragmatic. GGIR uses ENMO as default because:

  1. ENMO has demonstrated value in describing variance in energy expenditure, correlated with questionnaire data, able to describe patterns in physical activity
  2. ENMO is easy to describe mathematically and by that improves reproducibility across studies and software tools
  3. ENMO attempts to quantify the actual biomechanical acceleration in universal units.
  4. The 2013 paper showed that when ENMO is used in combination with auto-calibration it has similar validity to filter-based metrics like HFEN and BFEN, which are conceptually similar to metrics proposed later such as MIMSunit, MAD, AI0.
  5. Studies who have criticised ENMO consistently failed to apply auto-calibration, or attempted to apply auto-calibration in a lab setting, ignoring the fact that the auto-calibration is not designed for short lasting lab settings. It needs free-living data to work properly. Further, studies are often not clear about how the problematic zero imputation during the idle sleep mode in ActiGraph devices is dealt with. See for a more detailed discussion on this the paragraph: Published cut-points and how to use them.

See also this blog post on this topic.

5.9 What does GGIR stand for?

I wanted a short name and not to spend too much time finding it. At the time I was primarily working with GENEActiv and GENEA data In R, and that’s how the name GGIR was born: Short, easy to remember, and as acronym sufficiently vague to not be tight up with a specific functionality. However, later the functionality expanded to other sensor brands, so the abbreviation has lost its functional meaning.

5.10 Circadian Rhythm analyses

5.10.1 MXLX

Detection of the continuous least (LX) and most (MX) active X hours in a day, where X is defined by argument winhr. For both GGIR calculates the average acceleration, the start time, and if argument iglevels is specified also the intensity gradient. If argument winhr is a vector then descriptive values for LX and MX are derived per value in winhr. Within GGIR part 2 MXLX is calculated per calendar day and, if argument qwindow is specified, per segment of the day. Within GGIR part 5 MXLX is calculated per window, and if used in combination with the GENEActiv or Axivity accelerometer brand LUX estimates per LX and MX are included.

The MX metric describe here should not be confused by the MX metrics as proposed by Rowlands et al. which looks at accumulated most active time which may not always be continuous in time. The MX metrics by Rowlands et all are discussed further down.

5.10.2 Cosinor analysis and Extended Cosinor analysis

The (Extended) Cosinor analysis quantifies the circadian 24 hour cycle. To do this GGIR uses R package ActCR as a dependency. Specify argument cosinor = TRUE to perform these analysis.

The implementation within GGIR part 2 is as follows:

  • Acceleration values are averaged per minute, and then log transformation as log(acceleration converted to _mg_ + 1).
  • Invalid data points such as caused by non-wear are set to missing (NA) in order to prevent the imputation approach used elsewhere in GGIR to influence the Cosinor analysis. We do this because imputation technique generally come with some assumptions about circadian rhythm.
  • GGIR looks for the first valid data point in the recording and then selects the maximum integer number of recording days following this data point and feeds these to the ActCosinor and ActExtendCosinor functions of ActCR. The time offset between the start and the following midnight is then used to reverse offset the ActCR results, to ensure that acrophase and acrotime can be interpreted relative to midnight.
  • In relation to Day Saving Time: Duplicated time stamps when clock moves backward are ignored and missing time stamps when clock moves forward are inserted as missing values.
  • Time series corresponding to the fitted models are stored inside the part 2 milestone data to facilitate visual inspection. For the moment they are not used in any GGIR visualisation, but you may want to look them up and try to plot them yourself.

5.10.3 Intradaily Variability (IV) and Interdaily Stability (IS) IV and IS - Default

The original implementation (argument IVIS.activity.metric = 1) uses the continuous numeric acceleration values. However, as we later realised this is not compatible with the original approach by van Someren and colleagues, which uses a binary distinction between active and inactive. Therefore, a second option was added (argument IVIS.activity.metric = 2), which needs to be used in combination with accelerometer metric ENMO, and collapses the acceleration values into a binary score of rest versus active. This is the current default. IV and IS - Cosinor analysis compatible

Disclaimer: The following has been implemented 2022, but is currently undergoing critical evaluation. As a result, we may update this algorithm during the course of 2023.

IS is sometimes used as a measure of behavioural robustness when conducting Cosinor analysis. However, to work with the combination of the two outcomes it seems important that IS is calculated from the same time series. Therefore, when cosinor = TRUE IV and IS are calculated twice: Once as part of the default IV and IS analysis as discussed above, and once as part of the Cosinor analysis using the same log transformed time series. More specifically, the IV and IS algorithm is applied with IVIS.activity.metric = 2 and IVIS_acc_threshold = log(20 + 1) to make the binary distinction between active and inactive, and IVIS_per_daypair = TRUE. The setting IVIS_per_daypair was specifically designed for this context to handle the potentially missing values in the time series as used for Cosinor analysis. Applying the default IVIS algorithm would not be able to handle the missing values and would result in a loss of information if all non-matching epochs across the entire recording were excluded. Instead, IV and IS are calculated as follows:

  1. Per day pair based on matching valid epochs only IV and IS and calculated. Here, a log is kept of the number of valid epoch per day pair.
  2. Omit day pairs where the fraction of valid epoch pairs is below 0.66 (0.66 is hard-coded at the moment).
  3. Calculate average IS across days weighted by fraction of valid epochs per day pairs.

The new Cosinor-compatible IV and IS estimates are stored as output variables cosinorIV and cosinorIS.

5.11 ActiGraph’s idle sleep mode

The idle sleep mode is explained on the manufacturer’s website. In short, idle sleep mode is a setting that can be turned on or off by the user. When it is turned on the device will fall asleep during periods of no movement, resulting in time gaps in the data. This functionality was probably introduced to safe battery life and minimize data size. However, it also means that we end up with time gaps that need to be accounted for.

5.11.1 Time gap imputation

Studies done with ActiGraph devices when configured with ‘idle sleep mode’ and with data exported to .csv by the commerical ActiLife software will have imputed values in all three axes during periods of no movement. Note that the imputation by the ActiLife software has changed at some point in time. Initially the imputation was zeros but with more recent versions of ActiLife the imputation uses the last recorded value for each axes.

When processing gt3x files that have time gaps GGIR takes care of the time gap imputation: Time gaps shorter than 90 minutes are imputed at raw data level with the last known recorded value before the timeg gap, while longer time gaps are imputed at epoch level. We do this to make the data processing more memory efficient and faster.

Time gaps in the data are considered non-wear time in GGIR, this implies that we trust the ActiGraph sleep mode to only be activated when the device is not worn, although there is always a risk of sleep/sedentary misclassification.

5.11.2 The importance of reporting idle.sleep.mode usage

Studies often forget to clarify whether idle sleep mode was used and if so, how it was accounted for in the data processing. Especially, the insertion of zero strings is problematic as raw data accelerometers should always measure the gravitational component when not moving. This directly impacts metrics that rely on the presence of a gravitational component such as ENMO, EN, ENMOa, SVMgs, and angles. Further, also other metrics may be affected as the sudden disappearance of gravitational acceleration will cause a spike at the start and end of the idle sleep mode period. More generally speaking, we advise ActiGraph users to:

  • Disable the ‘idle sleep mode’ as it harms the transparency and reproducibility since no mechanism exists to replicate it in other accelerometer brands, and it is likely to challenge accurate assessment of sleep and sedentary behaviour.
  • That data collected with ‘idle sleep mode’ turned on is not be referred to as raw data accelerometry, because the data collection process has involved proprietary pre-processing steps which violate the core principle of raw data collection.
  • Report whether ‘idle sleep mode’ was used. If the choice was not consistent within a study then try to account for idle mode sleep usage in the statistical analyses.

5.12 MX metrics (minimum intensity of most active X minutes)

The qlevels argument (the percentile in the distribution of short epoch metric value) can be used to describe the accelerations that participants spend “X” accumulated minutes a day above, described as the MX metrics (e.g., Rowlands et al).

The MX metrics should not be confused with the most active continuous X hours, e.g. M10, as used in circadian rhythm research that also can be derived with GGIR, see argument winhr.

Usage To use the MX metrics as proposed by Rowlands et al, specify the durations of the 24h day that you wish to filter out the accelerations for. For example, to generate the minimum acceleration value for the most active 30 minutes you can call qlevels = (1410/1440), which will filter out the lowest 1410 minutes of the day. This can also be used as a nested term to generate multiple metrics, for example to call M60, M30 and M10, you can use argument:

qlevels = c(c(1380/1440),c(1410/1440),c(1430/1440)).

Note: if your qwindow is less than 24 h, e.g. the school day (e.g. Fairclough et al 2020) the denominator should be changed from 1440 (24h) accordingly, e.g. if an 8 h window the denominator would be 480 rather than 1440.

Output The output in part2 summary files will refer to this as a percentile of the day. Thus, for a 24 h day, M30 will appear as “p 97.91666_ENMO_mg_0.24hr”. To graph the radar plots of these MX metrics as first described by Rowlands et al, you can access this github repository which provides the R code and detailed instructions on how to make the radar plots using your own data.

5.13 Minimum recording duration

GGIR has been designed to process multi-day recordings. The minimum recording duration considered by GGIR depends on the type of analysis:

Running part 1 and 2

  • File size; At least 2MB, where 2MB can be adjusted with argument minimumFileSizeMB. This should not be changed unless you have good reason to believe that a smaller file size is also acceptable.

  • Recording duration: At least two long epoch windows (default 60 minutes) in g.readaccfile. The size of this epoch can be altered with the second and third value of vector argument windowsizes, where the third should not be smaller than the second. For example, in short lasting lab-experiments you may find it easier to set this to windowsizes = c(5, 600, 600) as non-wear detection is usually not necessary in lab studies.

Running part 3 and 4

  • At least one night of data is expected, where a night is expected to have at least the timestamp for midnight. If midnight is not found the sleep detection is skipped.

Running part 5

  • Ideally two valid consecutive nights and the waking hours in between.

5.14 LUX sensor data processing

Although GGIR focuses on accelerometer data a few brands come with LUX data.

In part 1 GGIR calculates the peak lux per long epoch at a default resolution of 15 minutes, which can be modified with argument windowsizes. Peak light offers a more reliable estimate of light exposure per time window compared with taking the average. Further, LUX is used in the auto-calibration.

In GGIR part 2 we visualise the LUX values in the qc plot. In part 3 and 4 LUX is not used for sleep classification because relation between light exposure and sleep is weak.

In part 5 we calculate the mean and maximum of the peak LUX per epoch across all waking hours of the day. Here, the mean (peak per epoch) LUX would then indicate average light exposure per time segment, while max peak would indicate the maximum light exposure per day. Further, we calculate the max and mean peak LUX per most active consecutive X hour of the day. This is intended to offer an alternative to LUX exposure during waking hours which relies on correct sleep classification. LUX exposure during M10 may be seen as an alternative if you are unsure whether you can trust the sleep classification in your data set.

6 Other Resources

7 Citing GGIR

A correct citation of research software is important to make your research reproducible and to acknowledge the effort that goes into the development of open-source software.

To do so, please report the GGIR version you used in the text. Additionally, please also cite:

  1. Migueles JH, Rowlands AV, et al. GGIR: A Research Community–Driven Open Source R Package for Generating Physical Activity and Sleep Outcomes From Multi-Day Raw Accelerometer Data. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour. 2(3) 2019. doi: 10.1123/jmpb.2018-0063.

If your work depends on the quantification of physical activity then also cite:

  1. van Hees VT, Gorzelniak L, et al. Separating Movement and Gravity Components in an Acceleration Signal and Implications for the Assessment of Human Daily Physical Activity. PLoS ONE 8(4) 2013. link
  2. Sabia S, van Hees VT, Shipley MJ, Trenell MI, Hagger-Johnson G, Elbaz A, Kivimaki M, Singh-Manoux A. Association between questionnaire- and accelerometer-assessed physical activity: the role of sociodemographic factors. Am J Epidemiol. 2014 Mar 15;179(6):781-90. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwt330. Epub 2014 Feb 4. PMID: 24500862 link

If you used the auto-calibration functionality then also cite:

  1. van Hees VT, Fang Z, et al. Auto-calibration of accelerometer data for free-living physical activity assessment using local gravity and temperature: an evaluation on four continents. J Appl Physiol 2014. link

If you used the sleep detection then also cite:

  1. van Hees VT, Sabia S, et al. A novel, open access method to assess sleep duration using a wrist-worn accelerometer, PLoS ONE, 2015 link

If you used the sleep detection without relying on sleep diary then also cite:

  1. van Hees VT, Sabia S, et al. Estimating sleep parameters using an accelerometer without sleep diary. Scientific Reports 2018. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31266-z. link

If you used the sleep regularity index then also cite:

  1. Andrew J. K. Phillips, William M. Clerx, et al. Irregular sleep/wake patterns are associated with poorer academic performance and delayed circadian and sleep/wake timing. Scientific Reports. 2017 June 12 link.